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Return and Reintegration Platform: two years of dialogue, learning and knowledge sharing

A beneficiary from the Joint Complementary Mechanism for Sustainable Reintegration in Brazil (SURE). IOM / SURE Project
A beneficiary from the Joint Complementary Mechanism for Sustainable Reintegration in Brazil (SURE). IOM / SURE Project

The Return and Reintegration Platform, developed in the framework of the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH), is marking its second anniversary!  Check its footprint through the interactive presentation HERE

Serving as a catalyst fostering exchanges between practitioners in host, transit and origin countries, the Return and Reintegration Platform is a global tool available in English and French that facilitates sharing knowledge, expertise and lessons learned in the field of migrant return and reintegration.

To do so, it collects and facilitates access to hundreds of relevant publications and resources, hosts online events on diverse topics featuring initiatives from around the world and encompasses a community of practice to encourage discussions and exchanges among its members.

Since 2019, the Platform has been visited by more than 180 countries, recording an increase of 153% of first-time visitors over 2021, and has offered spaces for dialogue to more than 2,000 stakeholders. Important acknowledgements came in the past years from the United Nations Network on Migration and the United Nations Development Programme, among others. The Platform was included among the 100 tools featured in the SDG Acceleration Toolkit, designed to support the implementation of the SDG’s commitments.

It’s the Platform's vast and various knowledge base, together with its capacity to transfer good practices and experiences identified and collected by the KMH that has allowed it to become a reputable reference  for return migration and sustainable reintegration.   

The three key Platform’s features

The Platform builds on three key features: a repository of resources, a recently renovated community of practice and an e-Learning space.

Thanks to a vast scouting activity, the repository of resources has delivered (and continues to do so) on its aim to facilitate access to a variety of publications about return and reintegration, by IOM and other entities. Today, the Platform gathers more than 600 publications related to return and reintegration from 2000 onwards.

The community of practice, recently renovated to allow for more interactivity among its members, is comprised of more than 900 registered members engaging in more than 15 thematic groups, ranging from reintegration counselling to environmental reintegration, and from policy and legislation to gender concerns.

Finally, the Platform serves as an e-learning space which gathers opportunities for personal development and learning. Not only does the Platform give access to self-paced online courses, but it also organizes numerous online events in the form of webinars and seminars every year. Since 2019, more than 2,300 participants have joined the public events organized by the KMH on the Platform, engaging with content to strengthen knowledge sharing and multi-stakeholder cooperation.

2022: The features to be released soon

New and innovative features are in the pipeline for 2022: additional tools for return and reintegration practitioners as well as an improved accessibility and a Spanish interface for the Platform’s visitors will be available soon.

Register to the community of practice to be updated on upcoming releases and to receive the Platform’s bi-monthly Newsletter.

Is return migration and sustainable reintegration relevant to your professional work? Engage with us! Share new resources, propose reintegration initiatives for the interactive map and suggest topics for future webinars and research!

For more information, contact us at