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Platform Hosted a Webinar on Unveiling Research and Best Practices to End Child Trafficking

Maiduguri, Nigeria, Muse Mohammed/IOM
Maiduguri, Nigeria, Muse Mohammed/IOM

On 15th of July 2024, the Migration Protection Platform hosted the public webinar “Unveiling Research and Best Practices to End Child Trafficking” 


                                                       Access the Recording here


This event, jointly organized with the University of Geneva Children’s Rights Academy, anticipates the World Day Against Trafficking in Person 2024, which focuses this year on the topic "Leave No Child Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking”.

The webinar provided a platform to discuss the urgent need to accelerate actions to end child trafficking as well as the implementation of child protection policies and international legal framework. Representatives from academia and practitioners presented the findings from the latest research and explored good practices of how data and information, as well as knowledge sharing, could be used to strengthen the child rights approach to programming.  


Key aspects of the event:

  • 📢Highlighted the learners-centric approach to understand the child protection action and use evidence-based approaches to inform and implement effective child protection policies.
  • 🔎Explored diverse aspects linked to the Convention of the Rights of the Child, with references made on how to prevent exploitation and abuse against children.  
  • 🤲 Provided a deeper understanding of how IOM, and its partners are collaborating on scaling up good practices and action against trafficking in persons, with a focus on lessons learned from North Africa.
  • ️‍📈Analyzed trends, patterns and dynamics of child victims of trafficking. Recommendations were also made about sharing of knowledge and data driven innovation, along with regional-international stakeholder partnerships.  

The webinar concluded with dedicated Q&A session. To access the presentation and continue the discussion online, register in the Counter-Trafficking group of the Platform's Community of Practice.


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