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Wolves in sheep’s skin. A Rapid Assessment of Human Trafficking in Musina, Limpopo Province of South Africa

Wolves in sheep’s skin.  A Rapid Assessment of Human Trafficking in Musina, Limpopo Province of South Africa
Afrique du Sud
Afrique australe
Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations

In view of an information gap on the incidence and prevalence of human trafficking in Musina, a city in the Limpopo Province of South Africa, this rapid assessment gives evidence to various forms of trafficking, and different forms of exploitation. While many migrants are at risk of being trafficked being inexperienced and not informed of immigration procedures and the dangers of travelling through nonborder post crossings, the report found that particular groups of migrants are more at risk than others. Stating that the protection system in place to support undocumented Zimbabwean adults and children in terms of shelter, food and health assistance shows a number of weaknesses and gaps that hinder adequate responses to human trafficking, the report gives a set of recommendations on how stakeholders can strengthen their interventions to more effectively combat human trafficking.