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The Other Migrant Crisis. Protecting Migrant Workers against Exploitation in the Middle East and North Africa

The Other Migrant Crisis. Protecting Migrant Workers against Exploitation in the Middle East and North Africa
Éthiopie, Jordanie, Liban, Philippines
Asie et Pacifique, Afrique de l’Est et Corne de l’Afrique, Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations, Walk Free

This report is the result of a policy research project and summarizes findings from a literature review, analysis of case data of the vulnerable, exploited and trafficked migrant workers who are being assisted through the project, focus groups with vulnerable migrants, and round-tables with governments and NGOs and international organizations in two sending (Ethiopia and Philippines) and two receiving (Jordan and Lebanon) countries. The report will be used to inform government, civil society and the general public of providing better protection to exploited and trafficked migrant workers in Middle East and North Africa.