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Breaking the Cycle of Vulnerability: Responding to the Health Needs of Trafficked Women in  East and Southern Africa

Breaking the Cycle of Vulnerability: Responding to the Health Needs of Trafficked Women in  East and Southern Africa
Éthiopie, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Afrique du Sud, République-Unie de Tanzanie, Zimbabwe
Afrique de l’Est et Corne de l’Afrique, Afrique australe
Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations

This study focuses on women and adolescent girls who have been trafficked within, to and from East and Southern Africa (ESA). It is the first study in ESA to focus specifically on the links between trafficking of women and sexual, reproductive and mental health (SRMH). With regard to health, special attention is paid to HIV since all countries in ESA are experiencing generalised HIV epidemics (with the exception of the Indian Ocean Island States).