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Poverty & Precarity. A comparison of female- and male-headed households in Districts of Return

Poverty & Precarity. A comparison of female- and male-headed households in Districts of Return
Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations

Within the top 14 districts of return in Iraq, conditions and perceptions related to reintegration of internally displaced persons (IDPs) do not appear to vary significantly between women and men or between younger and older respondents. Rather, the gender of the head of household is a more critical factor, influencing reintegration outcomes from household living conditions to individual perceptions. Female-headed households, as could be expected, tended to show relatively worse outcomes. The analysis here details the differences in household-level characteristics in terms of conflict experiences, housing, and socio-economic situations. It also examines the individual perceptions of heads of household on safety, security, and social cohesion, and what implications these differences have on durable reintegration.