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Gendered Dimensions of Disengagement, Disassociation, Reintegration and Reconciliation in the Lake Chad Basin Region

2021, IOM, Gendered Dimensions of Disengagement, Disassociation, Reintegration and Reconciliation in the Lake Chad Basin Region.png
Cameroun, Tchad, Niger, Nigéria
Afrique centrale et de l’Ouest
Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations

IOM is committed to integrating gender considerations into its transition and recovery portfolio, including by promoting women’s meaningful participation and fundamental role in peacebuilding and conflict prevention efforts. As part of its support to governments in dealing with men and women associated with violent extremist groups, IOM identified gaps in the knowledge and understanding of the gendered dimensions of engagement, disengagement and reintegration processes experienced by associates of these groups.
How, for example, does gender impact decisions to join or depart a group? To what extent are community perceptions of former associates shaped by gender stereotypes, and in what ways do these perceptions interact with the reintegration process? The research sought answers to these questions with reference to communities in the Lake Chad Basin region and former associates of Boko Haram. The current report thus presents a gender analysis of the diverse experiences of women and men who have disengaged from violent extremist groups, offering practical guidance to policymakers and practitioners.