Cette recherche vise donc à soutenir la mise en place d’activités économiques, sociales et psychosociales favorisant la réintégration durable des migrants assistés au retour. Son objectif général est de mieux comprendre les communautés dans lesquelles les migrants de retour reviennent ou arrivent afin de formuler des recommandations au niveau...
Santé et appui psychosocial
Affichage 281 - 300 des 336
Cette recherche vise à soutenir la mise en place d’activités économiques, sociales et psychosociales favorisant la réintégration durable des migrants assistés au retour. Son objectif général est de mieux comprendre les communautés de retour afin de formuler des recommandations aux niveaux communautaire et national.
La recherche vise à soutenir la mise en place d’activités économiques, sociales et psychosociales favorisant la réintégration durable des migrants assistés au retour. Son objectif général est de mieux comprendre les contextes des communautés de retour – afin de formuler des recommandations aux niveaux communautaire et national.
Return triggers the uncertain process of reintegration. Evidence shows that the moment of return is the beginning of a process that takes time, is multidimensional and is often non-linear. This article published in Migration Policy Practice, Volume IX, no 1, delves deeper into the process of reintegration.
This Country Informaiton Sheet is prepared by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Mission in Malta, with contributions from IOM Nigeria, within the framework of the project ‘Enhanced Cooperation between Malta and Migrants’ Countries of Origin. Lessons Learned and Sharing of Experience with Other European Countries’ (RF 2013-05)
Ce guide a été élaboré dans le cadre du projet "Promotion des services psychosociaux at d'assistance aux migrants au Maroc" et financé par les fonds de l'OIM pour le développement. Depuis 2005, l'OIM Maroc a aidé des milliers de migrants à retourner et se réintégrer dand leur pays d'origine. Une fois rentrés, l'OIM collecte des informations par rapport à...
Today (07/11) The International Organization for Migration (IOM), launched the Reintegration Handbook: practical guidance on the design, implementation and monitoring of reintegration assistance, a guide designed to help practitioners in reintegration assistance support migrants unable or unwilling to remain in host or transit countries and returning home...
Ce projet vise globalement à la réduction de la vulnérabilité et l’impact du retour des ressortissants de l’Algérie sur les populations hôtes à travers un appui aux besoins primaires et la stabilisation via des activités génératrices de revenus. Il comporte trois volets: (i) la mise en œuvre d’Activités Génératrices de Revenus (AGR) dans les villages les...
This Handbook aimed to support migration policy makers and practitioners on matters related to the reintegration of people who return to their countries of origin.
This report presents the results of the reintegration pillar of the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration in the Sahel and Lake Chad region. Launched in December 2016 with the support of the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa, the EU-IOM Joint Initiative is the first comprehensive programme bringing together African countries, IOM...
The IOM "Glossary on Migration" is as an accessible and comprehensive collection of migration-related terminology. Designed for all persons dealing with migration issues at the international level, the glossary aims at creating a common understanding of migration terms.
The aim of this study are to map out of the characteristics of the current and developing smuggling networks that have Canada as a final destination and assess the vulnerabilities and exploitation that migrants are exposed to during their journeys. The study focuses on assessing migrant vulnerabilities, protection needs and exposure to exploitation before...
Resettlement is a protection tool to meet the specific needs of refugees, it’s a durable solution and a demonstration of international solidarity and responsibility-sharing. It allows many people to begin life anew who would otherwise have neither home nor country to call their own. Annually, IOM supports some 40 States to carry out resettlement, relocation...
Each year, Afghans return from the neighbouring Islamic Republics of Iran and Pakistan. Once back in country, with the over-stretched absorption capacity of host communities, reintegration challenges are daunting. Primary challenges include food insecurity, access to land, long-term shelter, access to services including health, education and legal assistance...
This paper provides practical insights into the broad thematic issues surrounding integration and social cohesion in order to assist IOM Member States and partners prepare towards the negotiation phase of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM). A number of specific actions and effective practices are identified as potential...
This paper proposes that the complex, multidimensional process of reintegration requires a holistic and a need-based approach: one that takes into consideration the various factors impacting an individual’s reintegration, including economic, social, and psychosocial factors across individual, community, and structural dimensions.
This paper outlines the existing approaches and key gaps faced by States and stakeholders involved in supporting the reintegration of migrants returning to their home countries, and makes recommendations for concrete actions and commitments that could be included in the Global Compact on Migration.
This study was carried out by Altai Consulting for the International Organization for Migration (IOM) office in Morocco. It seeks to analyze assisted voluntary return and reintegration (AVRR) through a community based approach, the projects that exist in this area and the possibility to replicate them in the main countries of return from Morocco.
To ensure that all interventions were appropriately targeted, IOM conducted a detailed multi-sectoral profiling of all concerned communities, presented in this book. The information was gathered through key informants from local government authorities and community leaders, as well as by using direct observations and focus group discussions with community...
The overall objective of the final evaluation was to assess the efficiency and impact of the AGAMI pilot project and the pertinence of the Migration Resource and Response Mechanism (MRRM) approach to support migrants transiting in Niger or voluntarily returning to their community of origins and to provide recommendations for future programming.