Under this study, IOM proposes to explore the different aspects of returnees’ debt, considering both economic debts and their transformation into "social" debts. The findings of first studies (2018–2019) conducted under the DFID regional programme, including those in Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal, Guinea, and the Gambia, revealed that returnees assisted through IOM...
Opportunités économiques, et droits du travail
Affichage 241 - 260 des 553
The Sustainable Reintegration Knowledge Bites Series, launched in October 2020, aims to present findings pertaining to sustainable reintegration outcomes emerging from analyses based on the Reintegration Sustainability Survey data and other monitoring and evaluation (M&E) data centrally available on IOM’s institutional case management system.
This third Knowledge Bite explores the reintegration outcomes and satisfaction levels of migrants assisted to return from South Africa to Mozambique and Malawi under the Pilot Action on Voluntary Return and Sustainable, Community-Based Reintegration funded by the European Union and implemented by IOM. It analyses different reintegration outcomes between the...
Le documentaire souligne l'importance de l'aide au retour volontaire et à la réintégration adaptée aux besoins des migrants de retour. Il met en évidence la protection, la réintégration et la santé mentale et le soutien psychosocial que l'OIM fournit aux migrants qui décident de revenir dans leurs pays d’origine.
The second Knowledge Paper provides leads to reintegration and development practitioners on how reintegration and development programmes can be better connected to increase the sustainability of migrant reintegration and to maximize the impact of reintegration on sustainable development.
Ce Monographie est le deuxième numéro de la Série des Monographies sur la réintégration durable publiés par le Pôle de Gestion des Connaissances (KMH) de l'UE-OIM. Ce document vise à examiner les liens entre le développement durable et la réintégration des migrants afin de promouvoir l'engagement et la coordination entre les praticiens concernés. Il vise à...
This report is part of the outputs under the European Union funded project “Displacement Tracking Matrix Regional Evidence for Migration Analysis and Policy (DTM REMAP)”. The objective of DTM REMAP is to strengthen the evidence-based formulation and implementation of humanitarian and development policy and programming on migration and forced displacement in...
This report is part of the outputs under the European Union funded project “Displacement Tracking Matrix Regional Evidence for Migration Analysis and Policy (DTM REMAP)”. The objective of DTM REMAP is to strengthen the evidence-based formulation and implementation of humanitarian and development policy and programming on migration and forced displacement in...
Using the example of European Somalis moving to Kenya, this article argues that although these middle class return migrants share many similarities, they also differ in significant ways. Focusing on economically independent migrants, this paper will show that their move to Kenya is both return and onward migration at the same time. The transnational socio...
Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration programmes and stand-alone Reintegration Assistance programmes play a key role in supporting the immediate and mid-to-long-term needs of returning migrants and their sustainable reintegration in a country of origin. In the context of such efforts and within the framework of a project funded by the IOM Development...
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration has been at the forefront of prevention and response efforts, adapting its programmes to continue delivering assistance and protecting vulnerable migrants across the Sahel and Lake Chad region, Horn of Africa, and North Africa.
IOM released key highlights from its Return and Reintegration programmes, including trends, figures and initiatives and efforts to assist and reintegrate migrants returning voluntarily to their countries of origin during the past year.
The webinar, organized by the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub, presented key lessons and practices from the Joint Complementary Mechanism for Sustainable Reintegration in Brazil (SURE), a project funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and co-financed by the Portuguese Immigration and Border Service (SEF) aiming to contribute to a more...
During the webinar, organized by the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub, the ORION project team together with mentors and Samuel Hall presented the results achieved as well as the lessons learnt and good practices that could be replicated elsewhere through this approach. The webinar was also the occasion to present a new video on the ORION mentoring approach...
The webinar presented key lessons and practices from the Joint Complementary Mechanism for Sustainable Reintegration in Brazil (SURE), a project funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and co-financed by the Portuguese Immigration and Border Service (SEF).
Au cours du webinaire, l’équipe du projet ORION, en collaboration avec des mentors et Samuel Hall, a présenté les résultats obtenus ainsi que les leçons apprises et les bonnes pratiques qui pourraient être reproduites ailleurs grâce à cette approche. Le webinaire a également été l'occasion de présenter une nouvelle vidéo sur l'approche d’accompagnement de...
The private sector plays an important role in achieving development outcomes and its engagement can help strengthen the link between displacement, migration and sustainable development, according to the OECD. International development agendas acknowledge this private sector role and advocate for joint solutions that involve the private sector in development...
In early 2020 UNDP undertook a study to map the journey that Afghans take in their return from Pakistan, and the services they need or access along the way, with the aim of identifying gaps in service provision. This study aimed to identify approaches to promote the sustainable and community-based reintegration of Afghan returnees, which is critical for the...
An integrated approach to economic reintegration of returning migrants requires identifying appropriate individual business and/or other livelihood opportunities that match their skills, experiences, backgrounds and aspirations. To provide individual or collective tailored economic reintegration support in order to ensure improved livelihoods and income...
Sustainable economic reintegration of irregular migrants returning from the European Union countries to Bangladesh is a challenge due to the diversity of the economic and social backgrounds of the returnees. To address this challenge, the project Bangladesh: Sustainable Reintegration and Improved Migration Governance, also known as the Prottasha project, led...