The Joint Initiative broke new ground in migration governance by engaging with countries on the sensitive topic of return and reintegration of returnees, setting the stage for effective voluntary return processes – even amid COVID-19 border restrictions. The multi-faceted approach of capacity building, material support and engagement of national and local...
Convocation, dialogue et plaidoyer
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The world is watching a full-fledged attack on human rights in Afghanistan – from mobility rights to women’s rights. The response has largely been to “wait and see”, which the Afghan population is feeling. The chaos of the last two weeks of August 2021, when the world’s attention was focused on evacuations at Kabul International Airport, the last point of...
Le Pôle de Gestion des Connaissances (KMH) a le plaisir de vous inviter à participer au cinquième séminaire virtuel interrégional sur la « Réintégration des victimes de la traite : derniers résultats de recherches et expériences partagés par les experts », le jeudi 17 novembre 2022 de 11:00 à 13:00 fuseau horaire CET (heure de Genève).
IOM Algeria has been providing reception and reintegration assistance for Algerian returnees, mainly coming from Europe. Over time, IOM has noted several challenges to achieving sustainable reintegration. Firstly, migrants returning to Algeria may find themselves in difficult situations despite the reintegration assistance received, such as having...
The link between migration and development is largely considered to be limited to remittances. This is reflected in the Indonesian analogy of migrant workers as “remittance heroes,” emphasizing the financial capital sent by workers back home. This paper tries to enlarge the conceptualization of migrant workers to include all forms of human, financial and...
Die deutsche Rückkehrpolitik steckt tief in der Krise. Scheiternde Abschiebungen, überhöhte Erwartungen an die freiwillige Rückkehr, komplexe Strukturen und eine vergiftete und emotionale Diskussionskultur – all diese Probleme muss Deutschland angehen, um seine Rückkehrpolitik effektiver, menschlicher und ehrlicher zu machen. Die Herausforderungen der...
Sind Abschiebungen rechtsstaatlich notwendige Instrumente oder Maßnahmen, die der Willkür Tür und Tor öffnen? Schickt Deutschland zu viele Menschen zurück oder zu wenige? Und wie funktioniert die Kooperation mit den Herkunftsländern? Die Debatte um Rückkehr und Reintegration erhitzt die Gemüter in Deutschland und Europa. Ein Versuch, Nüchternheit in die...
The process of return and reintegration must be managed effectively to enhance the positive impacts of migration on development, and to protect the rights and interests of migrants who experienced negative outcomes. This policy brief outlines specific policies and programmes to effectively manage the return and reintegration of Vietnamese migrant workers...
The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), under the generous support of the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFTAD) and the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC), respectively, jointly organized a regional workshop on Effective...
L'événement a fourni un espace aux représentants du gouvernement, partenaires, personnes retournées et au personnel de l'OIM pour partager leurs expériences et leçons tirées de l’approche FORAS.
The 2021 European Union (EU) Strategy on Return and Reintegration promotes voluntary return and reintegration as an integral part of a common EU system for returns, however, it does not specifically address the return and reintegration of victims of trafficking and people vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation. The Commission Staff Working Document on...
The Return Counselling Toolkit builds upon IOM standards and the Organization’s longstanding experience in providing return and reintegration counselling to thousands of migrants every year, in a multiplicity of countries and operational contexts.
The Return Counselling Toolkit is a capacity-building instrument aimed at providing a harmonized and coherent approach to return counselling based on key migrant-centred principles. Accompanied by operational tools that can facilitate the work of return counsellors, the toolkit is conceived to address the capacity-building needs of return counsellors, as...
IOM is looking for a researcher to support the development of a study to identify the potentials of gender-sensitive, gender-responsive and gender-transformative approaches to reintegration programming.
The present report forms part of the EMERGE project ‘Enhancing Migrants’ Rights and Good Governance in Armenia and Georgia’, funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This initiative aims to strengthen national capacities in the fields of migrants' rights and migration governance in Armenia and Georgia and strengthen cross-border dialogue and...
The objectives of European reintegration programs for migrants returning to their countries of origin have expanded in recent years. Reintegration assistance, instead of being delivered as standardized support packages, is increasingly being designed to take into account the multiple dimensions of returnees’ reintegration—economic, social, and psychosocial...
Samuel Hall was commissioned by the European Return and Reintegration Network (ERINN) to produce an Operational Framework (OF) for the the ERINN Technical Working Group on Reintegration & Development (TWG R&D), funded through the EU’s Asylum, Migration & Integration Fund (AMIF-Special Actions), in collaboration with the International Centre for Migration...
This publication presents results from a Moldovan research study on services provided for migrants, including returnee women. The study revealed that returnees were not acquainted with services available and do not know how to access them. Additionally, local public authorities and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) only offered expertise in their...
This report is a result of a situational assessment of women migrant workers from Moldova carried out by Magenta Consulting for UN Women in Moldova in spring–summer 2015. Its main two objectives are to enrich existent Moldovan migrant profiles, and to present aspects that enhance the understanding and capacities of target groups to better address gender...
This project will help strengthen the economic reintegration of Moroccans returning from Germany, through the development of self-employement and / or professional integration activities. In a transversal way, this action will also contribute to ensure a sustainable and holistic reintegration approach where the social and psychosocial needs of returning...