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URA Albania

Europe de l’Est et du Sud-Est et Asie centrale
En cours
Date de début et de fine de l’initiative
1 janvier – 31 décembre 2022


German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees and 12 German federal states


Federal Office for Migration and Refugees

The project starts in the initial phase immediately after arrival in Albania. It helps returnees to settle in more easily in order to develop an individual perspective for a new beginning. For this purpose, URA Albania offers personal support as well as various advisory services and in-kind assistance.

The support can include the following services: 

  • Reception and needs-based initial orientation at the airport
  • Social counselling
  • Psychological care
  • Emergency aid in kind:
  • Emergency money
    • Subsidy for transport costs
    • Reimbursement of medical costs
    • Rent subsidy
    • Set-up and renovation allowance
  • Special funding for particularly vulnerable people
    • Psychological support especially for children
    • Language courses for children
    • Tutoring for children
    • Basic equipment for children's schools