Join IOM and UN Women on Human Rights Council side event on Migrant Women Returnees

In the context of the 56th Session of the UN Human Rights Council, IOM will be moderating the UN Women organized side event “Advancing the human rights of migrant women returnees through gender-responsive reintegration services”.
This session is scheduled for Friday, June 28th from 14.00 to 15.00 pm CEST, in Room XXII, of the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.
The event will convene a diverse group of stakeholders, including Member States, UN entities, and Special Procedures mandate holders and service providers, to discuss some of the main challenges facing women returnees and identify strategies that can be taken by all stakeholders to ensure gender-responsive return and reintegration and promote and protect the human rights of women returnees.
Key Objectives
- Discuss key challenges and protection needs of migrant women returnees.
- Share concrete strategies and promising practices to improve access to gender-responsive reintegration services to advance the human rights of migrant women.
Migration, from pre-departure to reintegration, is shaped by gender. Migration has the potential to contribute to the empowerment of women, shift gender norms and stimulate sustainable development for families, communities and countries.