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Combating Human Trafficking and Forced Labour in UN Supply Chains

Logo - Combatting Human Trafficking and Forced-Labour in UN Supply Chains

The United Nation, as a major producer of goods and services globally, recognizes its role in promoting ethical supply chain practices.

The High-Level Committee on Management (HLCM) Procurement Network has agreed to adopt a unified strategy to fight human trafficking and forced labour in UN supply chains. This decision led to the creation of a joint Policy Framework to Combat Human Trafficking and Forced Labour in UN Supply Chain aimed at addressing the growing concerns of human rights abuses in UN Procurement.

Additionally, an online training course on combating human trafficking and forced labour in UN supply chains has been introduced.

The course provides you with an introduction to preventing and combating human trafficking and forced labour in United Nations (UN) Supply Chains through a series of five modules.

These modules will answer the following key questions:


  • Why is it important to address human trafficking and forced labour in UN Supply Chains?
  • What is human trafficking and forced labour?

  • What are the due diligence requirements to manage this risk in UN supply chains?

  • How can we use this knowledge in the procurement process?

  • What are the cross-cutting considerations relevant to addressing this risk in a UN context?

This course is self-paced, informative and practical tool for application of the UN Guidance, tailored for the UN supply chain staff at the forefront of its implementation. To access the course, simply register on the United Nations Global Market Place website. This is available for suppliers offering products and/or services to UN organizations, representatives of trade promotion organizations that facilitate trade with the UN, and those with a valid UN account. You can register here.