Este Diagnóstico Regional releva cómo las diásporas de América del Sur contribuyen al desarrollo de sus países de origen y cómo éstos, de manera individual y en colaboración, pueden empoderar a las comunidades de la diáspora y así maximizar el impacto de sus valiosos aportes. El presente informe es la culminación de un estudio estratificada que incluyó...
Policy and Legislation
Displaying 81 - 100 of 377
The Return Counselling Toolkit is a capacity-building instrument aimed at providing a harmonized and coherent approach to return counselling, based on key migrant-centred principles while protecting migrants’ rights. Mindful of the specific needs and rights pertaining to children, this additional module on counselling children and families further...
This report provides an overview of the findings of surveys conducted by the IOM Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR) Program in Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Mexico. Each of the 102 respondents was asked a series of 24 to 33 questions by destination country AVR teams one to three months after beneficiaries’ returns to their countries of origin...
The study was undertaken in 2022 by the KMH with the financial support of the EU, in collaboration with Samuel Hall, the African Centre for Migration and Society at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa.
This study was the result of a collaboration between the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH), with the financial support of the European Union (EU), in collaboration with Samuel Hall and the African Centre for Migration and Society at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa. The main aim of this research was to explore the links between health...
The evaluation, which was undertaken by an independent expert, assessed the performance and achievements of the KMH, with a special focus on providing findings on lessons learned and good practices.
Invitation to the public event "Building evidence and harmonizing approaches on reintegration: lessons from KMH", which will examine the lessons from the KMH’s work and reflect on its contribution to policy and programming on the subject.
This consultation seeks to provide recommendations that can be utilized by practitioners to advance the work on inclusion of children affected by migration in national child protection systems.
The world is watching a full-fledged attack on human rights in Afghanistan – from mobility rights to women’s rights. The response has largely been to “wait and see”, which the Afghan population is feeling. The chaos of the last two weeks of August 2021, when the world’s attention was focused on evacuations at Kabul International Airport, the last point of...
The EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH) invites you to join the fifth cross-regional seminar on “Reintegration of victims of trafficking: new findings and lessons from practitioners”, on Thursday, 17 November 2022, from 11am to 1pm CET (Geneva time).
La situación migratoria México-Estados Unidos se ha transformado por completo. Más mexicanos retornan de Estados Unidos a México que aquellos que migran a ese país. Millones de mexicanos han salido de Estados Unidos debido a la recesión económica, el endurecimiento de la política migratoria y el fortalecimiento del sistema de deportaciones estadounidense...
The proposed activities of this initiative seek to enhance and support community structures such as the Centre de Formation aux Métiers (CFM) - the vocational training centre of Kantché - through the provision of equipment, in order to strengthen their capacity to effectively assisting/training youth in developing the necessary skills to facilitate their re...
El artículo determina el alcance y la naturaleza de la evidencia empírica, es decir, artículos académicos referentes a los migrantes que regresan a países en Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Mediante la metodología de las Revisiones Sistemáticas Exploratorias, se incluyeron 23 estudios empíricos publicados en revistas indexadas los datos se sintetizaron mediante...
Die deutsche Rückkehrpolitik steckt tief in der Krise. Scheiternde Abschiebungen, überhöhte Erwartungen an die freiwillige Rückkehr, komplexe Strukturen und eine vergiftete und emotionale Diskussionskultur – all diese Probleme muss Deutschland angehen, um seine Rückkehrpolitik effektiver, menschlicher und ehrlicher zu machen. Die Herausforderungen der...
Sind Abschiebungen rechtsstaatlich notwendige Instrumente oder Maßnahmen, die der Willkür Tür und Tor öffnen? Schickt Deutschland zu viele Menschen zurück oder zu wenige? Und wie funktioniert die Kooperation mit den Herkunftsländern? Die Debatte um Rückkehr und Reintegration erhitzt die Gemüter in Deutschland und Europa. Ein Versuch, Nüchternheit in die...
The process of return and reintegration must be managed effectively to enhance the positive impacts of migration on development, and to protect the rights and interests of migrants who experienced negative outcomes. This policy brief outlines specific policies and programmes to effectively manage the return and reintegration of Vietnamese migrant workers...
The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), under the generous support of the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFTAD) and the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC), respectively, jointly organized a regional workshop on Effective...
IOM is looking for a researcher to support the development of a study to identify the potentials of gender-sensitive, gender-responsive and gender-transformative approaches to reintegration programming.
Учебное пособие «Возвратная миграция: международные подходы и региональные особенности Центральной Азии» посвящено возвратной миграции и людям — возвратным мигрантам, которые возвращаются домой после работы, учебы и жизни за рубежом. Масштабы трудовой миграции в Центральной Азии очень велики: от 2,7 до 4,2 млн. человек (от 10 % до 16 % экономически активного...
The present report forms part of the EMERGE project ‘Enhancing Migrants’ Rights and Good Governance in Armenia and Georgia’, funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This initiative aims to strengthen national capacities in the fields of migrants' rights and migration governance in Armenia and Georgia and strengthen cross-border dialogue and...