ICAT Releases Annual Report 2023

Trafficking in persons has become increasingly evident around the world over the last 12 months, exacerbated by ongoing global crises, including natural disasters, conflicts, economic crises, and health pandemics, among others.
Human traffickers take advantage of people in situations of vulnerability, who may include marginalized groups and children, among others. Considering the existing and emerging risks of trafficking, the Inter-Agency Coordination Group against Trafficking in Persons (ICAT) highlights the urgent need to address trafficking in persons by harnessing resources and expertise among counter-trafficking stakeholders.
Through its Annual Report, ICAT summarizes the different activities implemented and results obtained in 2023 under the co-chairing of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children (OSRSG-VAC). Moreover, it outlines its efforts, guided by six strategic priorities:

Considering that a significant proportion (35%) of all detected victims of trafficking are children, ICAT places a strong emphasis on child protection as a cross-cutting theme.
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