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Vulnerabilities and Risks of Exploitation Encountered by Vietnamese Migrant Workers

2021, IOM, Vulnerabilities and Risks of Exploitation  Encountered by Vietnamese Migrant Workers
Viet Nam
Asie et Pacifique
Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations

The qualitative research explores vulnerabilities and risks of exploitation faced by Vietnamese migrant workers during recruitment, employment at destinations, and upon return to Viet Nam.

The report captures the experiences of Vietnamese migrant workers on their journeys to most popular destinations – Japan, Taiwan Province of the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Korea. It aims to support development of strategies by State policymakers and stakeholders to further strengthen protections of Vietnamese migrant workers from exploitative recruitment and employment practices.

It is part of the wider effort of IOM to support progress towards the implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration and realization of the migration-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

The study was funded by the IOM Development Fund and the Global Fund to End Modern Slavery.