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The Linkages of Migration, Agriculture, Food Security and Rural Development

Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Fund for Agriculture and Development (IFAD), World Food Programme (WFP)

Understanding contemporary migration, both international and internal, remains a challenge. The decision by people to migrate either within their own countries or across borders is influenced by an intricate set of factors. This report examines the complex interlinkages between migration, agriculture, food security and rural development and the factors that determine the decision of rural people to migrate; including economic factors, employment opportunities, conflict, poverty, hunger, environmental degradation and climate shocks. The relationship between food security and migration can be direct, when people do not see viable options other than migrating to escape hunger. The linkages between agriculture, food security and migration can also be indirect as a strategy by households to cope with income uncertainties and food insecurity risks. Sending one or more family member to work in economic sectors other than agriculture can increase their capacities to cope in the event of adverse shocks. Moreover, migration gives rise to both opportunities and challenges. The report assesses the impact of migration on the countries of origin and destination, with a focus on rural areas and the agricultural sector. It also discusses how agricultural and social policies can address these challenges and capitalize on the opportunities created by migration trends.