IOM Cash-Based Interventions Annual Report and Case Studies 2022

Since 2019, IOM has placed special attention on building capacity to increase the use and coordination of cash-based interventions (CBI) across the Organization in line with the Grand Bargain commitments. Following the successful implementation of the IOM Strategy for Humanitarian CBI 2019–2021, the substantial increase in the number of people reached through CBI and the increasing use of CBI globally and across IOM’s activities, the CBI Unit was established under the Office of the Deputy Director General for Operations and developed the IOM CBI Strategy 2022–2026 in 2022. This allows IOM to further expand the use of CBI beyond emergency response and across most of the organization’s areas of work.
In 2022, IOM continued to scale up and systematize its use of CBI modalities to empower aid recipients and strengthen the resilience of affected populations. IOM implemented cash and voucher assistance in 133 countries and territories, reaching close to 2.7 million people, which is a 43 per cent increase from 2021 and 64 per cent from 2020. The largest programmes took place in Afghanistan, Yemen, Ukraine, Bangladesh, South Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic and Iraq.
The IOM CBI Annual Report and Case Studies 2022 highlights the continued increase in the use of CBI in IOM and features case studies from 43 IOM missions showing good practices and lessons learned in different contexts. It includes sections focused on multipurpose cash, livelihood, shelter and non-food items and return and reintegration assistance, in addition to special focus on regional responses, including the responses to the Afghanistan crisis, the Syrian Crisis, Ukraine and the Venezuelan Refugee and Migrant Crisis.