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Final Evaluation of the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH)

Final Evaluation of the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH)
Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations
A.L. Colleo

The EU-IOM KMH is the only support and resource hub on return and reintegration that is available to support practitioners and policymakers worldwide. The KMH is part of the larger Pilot Action on Voluntary Return and Sustainable, Community-Based Reintegration. By design, it is intended to transcend the Pilot Action and play a more global role in support to return and reintegration endeavors implemented by IOM and other actors. Within IOM, it offers direct support to IOM field offices implementing six selected EU-IOM actions, which include the EU-IOM Joint Initiative (JI) for the Protection and Reintegration of Migrants in Africa funded by the EU Trust Fund and actions in Afghanistan and Bangladesh.

This evaluation brief presents a summary of the key findings, conclusions, and recommendations, as identified by the evaluator for use by key stakeholders, including internally by IOM staff and externally by project partners. More details can be found in the full evaluation report.

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