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AVR Programs in North of Central America Countries. Monitoring Report AVR March-September 2020

Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras
Amérique centrale, Amérique du Nord et Caraïbes
Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations

This fourth monitoring report summarizes 116 surveys that IOM conducted since March 2020 to capture the experiences of participants in the IOM Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR) programs in El Salvador, Guatemala/Belize, and Honduras. The primary purpose of these surveys is to gain a deeper understanding of how beneficiaries reintegrate upon return to their origin countries by asking each migrant 24 to 32 questions that encompass feedback on IOM’s assistance during returns, migrants' experiences during travel and transit, on reception as well as post-arrival assistance, and life upon return. The results of these surveys, as presented in June, August and September monitoring reports and compiled to produce this fourth monitoring report, play an important role in checking AVR beneficiaries' safety, physical and mental health status, as well as understanding the challenges they face upon return.