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Impact Evaluations for Return and Reintegration Programmes

Photo credit: IOM/UNHCR, Juba, South Sudanese Returnee,2020
Cours en ligne
Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations

This publication is an adaptation of the e-course, "Impact Evaluations for Return and Reintegration Programmes", produced for IOM's e-Campus online training platform. The e-course has been converted into document format for accessibility, and for convenient referencing and citation of the course content. This document may be helpful to use alongside the e-course, as a helpful reference to look back at after finishing the e-course, or, if necessary, as a substitute in cases where it is not possible to access the e-course.

The document will prepare you to support the planning and implementation of an Impact Evaluation study for a return and reintegration project or programme. Through seven self-paced modules, you will become familiar with the fundamental concepts and methods of impact evaluations and develop a ‘real-world’ understanding of the challenges and opportunities of evaluating the impact of return and reintegration assistance with robust methodologies.