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Return, Reintegration and Microfinance. Microfinance as a tool for the socio-economic reinsertion of migrants in their countries of origin

Lignes directrices
Ghana, Italie
Afrique centrale et de l’Ouest, Espace économique européen
IOM Italy, Etimos Foundation

This toolkit has been created by Etimos Foundation, in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the “Vocational training Association of the Patronato San Vincenzo”, in the framework of the REMPLOY III project, funded by the Ministry of the Interior, Department for Civil Rights and Immigration and by the European Return Fund, year 2013, Action 3 “Support to the experimentation of new roadmaps for the voluntary return of particular immigrants categories”. The REMPLOY programme was born in 2012 to answer to the needs and the ambitions of those immigrants working and residing in Italy who, due to the economic crisis, had lost their job and were running the risk of losing their permit of stay, thus becoming irregular on the territory. This is why some people started considering the possibility to go back to their countries of origin and start a new business there, being able to provide for their families. The aim of the programme is to help these migrants and provide them with the adequate tools for their reintegration, as pre-departure tutoring activities on how to start a micro-enterprise in the country of origin, or how to elaborate a business plan to get funds.

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