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Counter-trafficking in Emergencies: Information Management Guide

Counter-trafficking in Emergencies: Information Management Guide
Lignes directrices
Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations

There is increasing awareness that trafficking in persons (TIP) and humanitarian crises are connected, as crises can exacerbate pre-existing trafficking trends and patterns, or create conditions for new forms of exploitation to proliferate. While evidence of this association exists, collecting data on trafficking in humanitarian settings faces the dual challenge of information management in complicated operating environments, and quantifying a hidden crime that is often under-reported and obscured among other human rights violations.

This guide aims to address this dual challenge. It provides guidance on how to integrate counter-trafficking-specific data collection and analysis into existing information management mechanisms which are already well established in humanitarian responses. The goal is to promote an evidence-based decision-making approach that supports the development of new interventions, or the adaption of existing measures, to more systematically integrate counter-trafficking prevention and response into humanitarian contexts.