La diversidad de las regiones de nuestro país y su riqueza cultural, haciendo especial énfasis en la institucionalidad que apoya los procesos de retorno de sus familias, para facilitar la construcción de sus proyectos de vida y la adaptación efectiva a la...
A partir de la idea de que la población retornada puede contribuir de manera significativa al desarrollo del país, aprovechando sus habilidades y conocimientos adquiridos en el exterior, esta Cartilla informa de manera actualizada a los colombianos residentes...
Salir o regresar ¡Al derecho! es una herramienta pedagógica que brinda a los migrantes potenciales o activos las herramientas necesarias para la toma informada de decisiones frente a su proceso migratorio y los sensibiliza frente a los riesgos asociados a la...
This Country Information Sheet is prepared by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Mission in Malta, with contributions from IOM The Gambia, within the framework of the project ‘Enhanced Cooperation between Malta and Migrants’ Countries of Origin...
This Country Information Sheet is an overview of Mali as the country of origin for returnees. Political situation, economic situation and employment, health care, and education systems of Mali are analized to provide information for IOM's operation of AVRR...
This Country Informaiton Sheet is prepared by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Mission in Malta, with contributions from IOM Nigeria, within the framework of the project ‘Enhanced Cooperation between Malta and Migrants’ Countries of Origin...
This brochures provides an overview of the Migration Governance Framework.
This chart provides guidance on the different stages of assistance to vulnerable migrants requiring protection assistance. The chart promotes coordination of national stakeholders for provision of effective and comprehensive protection assistance to selected...
In southern Africa, the phenomenon of undocumented child migration is now a serious issue. This book captures the voices of children who have made perilous journeys across borders of their own volition but without any idea of the dangers they would meet on the...
Stories of Reintegration presents success stories of migrants’ reintegration upon their return to their home countries. This publication aims at introducing IOM’s reintegration programme and its results to targeted publics as well as raising awareness among...
This Data Bulletin explores the data challenges and gaps related to assisted voluntary return and reintegration (AVRR). AVRR is an indispensable part of a comprehensive approach to migration management. It contributes to achieving safe, orderly and dignified...
This booklet presents a collection of some of IOM’s voluntary return and reintegration stories. It shows how people of diverse origins, age and backgrounds have used AVRR support to start their life anew.
This booklet contains the written contributions as well as unofficial translations from the transcripts of the Round Table on International Migration Law and Policies which took place in Dakar, Senegal, 8-9 December 2009.
This booklet is a resource for stakeholders in government and civil society from the Caribbean region who desire to improve domestic legislation and policy that work to comprehensively address the crime of trafficking in persons.