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Green Reintegration: Supporting Returning Migrants in Climate-Affected Communities

2023, C. Le Coz, R. Sohst, MPI, Green Reintegration Supporting Returning Migrants in Climate-Affected Communities
Article (revue, blog, etc.)
Migration Policy Institute (MPI)
R. Sohst, C. Le Coz

Climate change is affecting countries around the world, but some of its most intense impacts occur in low- and middle-income countries that have limited resources to prepare and adapt. Many of these countries also welcome back significant numbers of returned migrants. Those returning to areas where climate events and environmental degradation are negatively affecting livelihoods, the supply of safe housing, and community dynamics can find it difficult to re-establish themselves, facing challenges even beyond those typically experienced by returnees.

Recognizing this challenge, some policymakers have begun to explore “green” approaches to providing reintegration assistance. Only a few such initiatives have been launched to date, and they have been relatively small. These include community-based projects to build climate-resilient infrastructure and support for entrepreneurship in green sectors such as solar energy and waste management.

This brief provides an overview of what approaches to green reintegration have been used to date and what obstacles projects have faced. It also examines how interested policymakers and practitioners can build a stronger case for reintegration programming that responds to the challenges posed by climate change.