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Support training and professional integration of vulnerable youth and migrants in Guinea

Afrique centrale et de l’Ouest
En cours
Date de début et de fine de l’initiative
15 octobre 2021 – 2 décembre 2023


Switzerland - State Secretariat for Migration 


  • Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et des Guinéens de l’Etranger
  • Ministère de l’Enseignement Technique, de la Formation Professionnelle et de l’Emploi
  • Ministère de la Jeunesse et de l’Emploi Jeunes

Contact info

Carolin Nehme,

This project supports existing training structures that offer support to the most vulnerable segment of the population, including returnees, namely the Centers for Professional Training (CFP). These centers offer various training courses, such as masonry, hotel management, carpentry, electronics, sewing, among others. This project will work on two axes:

  1. Support the CFPs of Conakry to strengthen their capacity to give quality courses on the Management of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME, in French: GPME) and to promote them to students. Through a training of trainers, 5 CFPs of Conakry will be able to offer GPME courses to students and migrants referred by IOM.
  2. To support some 40 vulnerable students of the CFP of Conakry and migrants who have returned to Guinea from Switzerland and Niger in their socio-professional reintegration by supporting them individually and in groups that decide to open a business together, through support kits and advice. This approach is part of a socio-economic stabilization of young people from the CFP, the returnees from Switzerland and Niger and contributes to the promotion of self-employment.