Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany - BMZ
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany - BMZ
The project is implemented by Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland e.V. (Country Office Serbia) and Initiative for Development and Cooperation (IDC) in partnership with Regional Development Agency of Sandzak, Muslim Humanitarian Society "Merhamet - Sandzak" and with support of City Novi Pazar, Municipality of Sjenica and Municipality of Tutin.
The aim of the project is creating dignified living conditions for returnees through intensive socio-economic support in order to achieve sustainable reintegration and improve reintegration mechanisms in three cities in Serbia.
Specific objective: Returnee families have been socially and economically reintegrated and sustainable reintegration structures have been created.
As the ultimate goal of the project: Children/youth from the returnee population are enabled to participate in the education system; returnees have access to the social and health care system; the capacity of returnee families to earn a minimum income has increased; the capacities of local governments and local civil society organizations have been strengthened; the public was informed about the challenges of returnees and the consequences of illegal migration.