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AfrikaPlus #homeishome

Cameroun, Ghana, Guinée, Nigéria
Afrique centrale et de l’Ouest
Activités achevées
Date de début et de fine de l’initiative
1 juin – 31 décembre 2021


German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees


The Afrika Network of Germany

Contact info

The counsellors in this project provide information on existing return and reintegration programmes and help migrants organize their return journey, assisting them in the reintegration phase. They might advise them on job opportunities in their countries of origin or accompany them to return counselling centres for the voluntary return application process. Those returning can avail themselves of one-on-one support for up to six months after arrival in the country of origin.

The project:
  • Addresses the topic of voluntary return in the African community
  • Analyses all existing return programmes and brings them together in an information package
  • Creates a new approach on how the target group can access existing information, opening up a new way to return counselling centres
  • Is not a return advice centre, but a contact point for those  interested in returning, offering them complementary options.
  • Records the needs of potential returnees and evaluates them to make recommendations for the optimization of projects. 
  • Enables refugees from African communities, who whish to return to their country of origin, through thorough preparation, a dignified return and support for sustainable socio-economic reintegration. 
  • It provides consultations for returnees in the preparation of their journey of return and in the reintegration phase -up to six months after the arrival in their country of origin-.