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Reintegration Assistance: Good, Promising and Innovative Practices Series. Knowledge Management Hub releasing first factsheets

Two returnee women during a training session to learn how to sew © IOM
Two returnee women during a training session to learn how to sew © IOM

The Knowledge Management Hub has just released the first factsheets from the “Reintegration Assistance: Good, Promising and Innovative Practices Series”.

In order to foster experience-sharing and learning among practitioners, the Knowledge Management Hub has started identifying good and promising practices in the field of reintegration assistance. The information and evidence collected on such practices, implemented by IOM, partners or other stakeholders, is translated into short knowledge bites in the form of factsheets for easy dissemination among reintegration practitioners.

In light of this, the “Reintegration Assistance: Good, Promising and Innovative Practices Series” aims at highlighting innovative reintegration activities along with operational details and recommendations that will allow reintegration practitioners to learn more about these activities, understand how they are implemented and how they could be replicated or adapted in their respective contexts.

Each factsheet of this series describes a specific practice, its results and replicability conditions.

The first five good practices factsheets, related to reintegration activities implemented in the context of the EU-IOM Joint Initiative in the Sahel and Lake Chad region, are now available on the Platform’s repository in English and French versions:

Do not hesitate to get in touch with us and share good and promising practices on reintegration assistance. Click the button below to download the form.

Your experience could be a source of inspiration for many practitioners around the globe!