This summary provides and overview of the Reintegration Handbook with practical guidance for designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating reintegration assistance programmes. The Handbook has been conceived as a hands-on tool, targeting the various stakeholders involved in the provision of reintegration-related support at different levels and at...
Return and Reintegration
Displaying 221 - 240 of 996
This project aims to continue the successful cooperation between the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in the field of migrant protection and assistance and builds on IOM Ghana’s existing Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) structure and ongoing projects, including...
The event organized by the KMH, funded by the European Union (EU), aims to examine the experiences and lessons learned from the implementation of the EU-IOM Actions across regions.
The Knowledge Café on "How an Integrated Approach to Migration, Sustainable Reintegration and Development Can Accelerate the 2030 Agenda" focused on how practitioners can integrate migration into their work from an integrated policy perspective.
The side event will discuss how to ensure the GCM’s implementation can contribute to the protection, respect and fulfilment of the rights of all children and build on experiences, learning and partnerships.
International labour migration has become a crucial part of the Nepali society. The number of youths leaving the country for employment is significantly high, with around half a million people taking labour permits every year. Lack of economic opportunities within the country is cited as one of the major reasons for seeking foreign employment. The government...
Overall, the project is aimed at strengthening the foundations of peace by fostering positive economic and social interdependencies between returnees and host community members by facilitating sustainable and holistic reintegration that will contribute to enhanced social cohesion and inclusion. Furthermore, it aims to create an opportunity for increased...
According to administrative data, 105,277 persons forcefully returned to Guatemala in 2019. Approximately, 30 percent of Guatemalan migrants returned to the departments of Huehuetenango, Quiché, and Sololá during 2019. Considering the Guatemalan Government initiatives QUEDATE centers and the Regional Attention Offices for returning migrants, and IOM...
The proposed project of 24-months will be jointly implemented by IOM and ILO and will contribute towards the sustainable socioeconomic reintegration of returnee migrant workers. Specific objective: By 2022, the target beneficiaries of the project will have recovered from the impact of COVID-19 and will be sustainably engaged in an income generation activity...
Join the sixth IPPN Knowledge Café "How an Integrated Approach to Migration, Sustainable Reintegration and Development Can Accelerate the 2030 Agenda".
This project supports existing training structures that offer support to the most vulnerable segment of the population, including returnees, namely the Centers for Professional Training (CFP). These centers offer various training courses, such as masonry, hotel management, carpentry, electronics, sewing, among others. This project will work on two axes...
Released in English in 2019 and expanded to French in 2020, the Return and Reintegration Platform through its new Spanish version continues to consolidate itself as a global tool for information and knowledge sharing.
El Programa “Retorno y reintegración: acciones de reintegración esenciales para la construcción de la paz en El Salvador” financiado por el Peacebuilding Fund, es un programa enfocado en crear y consolidar espacios de coordinación multi-actor para atender las necesidades de la población migrante retornada en El Salvador, este tiene como objetivo crear y...
This report provides a snapshot of the third round of RLS data collection, as well as a comparison of data that was collected among those returnees who also participated in the second round (September-October 2021). Round 3 of RLS data collection took place between 4 December 2021 and 1 January 2022 with Afghan migrants who returned from Turkey or the EU...
Cette étude entre dans le cadre de l’exécution de la Convention entre l’Institut Universitaire Européen (Florence Italie) et le Cendre de Recherche Appliquée pour le Développement (CREAD) portant sur le projet “Action collective de soutien à la migration de retour dans le pays d’origine”, signée février 2006. Ce rapport porte sur le recueil et le traitement...
Ce rapport constitue une modeste contribution visant à introduire la problématique de la migration de retour, telle que l’Algérie l’a élaborée et mise en œuvre dans sa stratégie de gestion de la migration internationale. L’essentiel de notre analyse est fondé sur la base des textes réglementaires sur la migration depuis 1962. De même, nous avons eu recours à...
This book provides an important new analytical framework for making sense of return, remigration and circular mobility, conceptualising them as different phases of a wider migration process. Using an in-depth case study of Albania and its two main destination countries, Italy and Greece, the book demonstrates that instead of being viewed as a linear path...
REWIRED builds on Connected Women’s flagship program Elevate AIDA (Artificial Intelligence Data Annotation) and will train 40-50 OFW returnees and future returnees in artificial intelligence (AI) data labeling, to equip them with skills for remote work. The program includes 2 webinars and a 3-week training program. The introductory webinar held on 23 March...
IOM launched in September 2021 an online open-source toolkit for migrant centre administration and management.
ERRIN (European Return and Reintegration Network), initiative conjointe de 15 Etats membres de l’UE, propose une aide à la réinsertion pour les migrants qui retournent dans leur pays. L’initiative vise par ailleurs à ouvrir la voie à une approche européenne plus harmonisée de la réinsertion. Dans ce cadre, l’OFII a lancé en mars 2020 une action pilote qui...