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Knowledge Bite #1- Introduction to the Series

Knowledge Bite #1- Introduction to the Series
KMH Knowledge Bite Series
Asie et Pacifique, Afrique de l’Est et Corne de l’Afrique, Afrique australe, Afrique centrale et de l’Ouest
Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations
Publication Series
Sustainable Reintegration Knowledge Bites Series

This first introductory Knowledge Bite focuses on a high-level analysis of the RSS data collected in the framework of the various EU-IOM Actions and centrally available with the scope of defining some of the factors affecting sustainable reintegration outcomes and providing insights on the reasons behind these.

The main results suggest that returnees benefiting from economic reintegration activities – specifically Microbusiness support and Trainings – have on average higher sustainable reintegration scores across the economic, social and psychosocial dimensions, compared to returnees not benefiting from them. On the other hand, results reveal that individual level activities are associated with higher reintegration scores compared to community level activities. Similarly, the results suggest that benefiting from more than one reintegration activity does not necessarily translate into higher sustainable reintegration outcomes.
Finally, the results of the analysis presented in this document showcase the importance played by context-specific and structural factors in the country of origin on the sustainable reintegration of returnees, highlighting the relevance of a context-specific approach to sustainable reintegration.

These results set the ground for more in-depth and fine-grained analyses of sustainable reintegration outcomes, which will be in the scope of future Knowledge Bites to be produced as part of this series.

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