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Cover of the Reintegration Handbook Online Course
In November 2019, IOM launched its Reintegration Handbook to guide all reintegration practitioners in the design, implementation and monitoring of assistance provided to returnees. IOM is now pleased to announce the launch of a related online course. It is a...
Cover of the 2018 Return and Reintegration Key Highlights, portraying migrants working on a construction site
IOM is releasing the 2018 Return and Reintegration Key Highlights, which provides trends and figures on the number of migrants assisted to return, voluntarily, to their countries of origin, as well as efforts IOM has made to assist and reintegrate these...
Cover of the IOM Reintegration Handbook
Today (07/11) The International Organization for Migration (IOM), launched the Reintegration Handbook: practical guidance on the design, implementation and monitoring of reintegration assistance, a guide designed to help practitioners in reintegration...