The study presents key findings of two combined research projects aimed at highlighting the differences in reintegration outcomes among returnees.
This study sought to complement these findings on referrals by collecting qualitative information to provide insights into the reasons behind the negative effect of referrals on reintegration sustainability outcomes and satisfaction.
The Sustainable Reintegration Knowledge Bites Series, launched in October 2020, aims to present findings pertaining to sustainable reintegration outcomes emerging from analyses based on the Reintegration Sustainability Survey data and other monitoring and...
This web-based toolkit contains guidance material, tools and design information, with a particular focus on centres established as part of Migrant Resource and Response Mechanisms (MRRMs) in countries transited by migrants.
The development of the Toolkit and the identification of good practices were coordinated by the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH) with the financial support of the European Union (EU), in collaboration with Samuel Hall, the European Commission’s...
The second Knowledge Paper provides leads to reintegration and development practitioners on how reintegration and development programmes can be better connected to increase the sustainability of migrant reintegration and to maximize the impact of reintegration...
IOM released key highlights from its Return and Reintegration programmes, including trends, figures and initiatives and efforts to assist and reintegrate migrants returning voluntarily to their countries of origin during the past year.
This new Knowledge Papers series aims at focusing on aspects of migrant reintegration that have been largely under-researched, not implemented to their full potential, or that have consistently been identified in reintegration programmes’ evaluations as gaps...
The documentary shows how the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration works to save lives, protect and assists migrants all along the migration routes, with migrant rights upheld. It emphasizes the trilateral partnership with African...
This second Knowledge Bite explores factors that contribute to higher levels of sustainable reintegration. Specifically, the analysis in this report focuses on investigating sustainable reintegration outcomes following referrals and understanding the effect of...
The series, launched in 2020, aims at highlighting innovative reintegration activities along with operational details and recommendations that will allow reintegration practitioners to learn more about these activities, understand how they are implemented and...
This course is based on the Reintegration Handbook published by IOM in 2019, and aims at guiding all reintegration practitioners in the design, implementation and monitoring of reintegration assistance provided to returnees.
The study, conducted in collaboration with the Samuel Hall think tank and the University of Sussex, analyses the outcomes of reintegration in three fieldwork countries - Guinea, Morocco, and Senegal - combined with data analyses from 14 additional countries.
The Sustainable Reintegration Knowledge Bites Series aims to present findings pertaining to sustainable reintegration outcomes emerging from analyses based on the Reintegration Sustainability Survey (RSS) data and other related monitoring and evaluation (M&E)...
The guidance document aims to encourage reflection and initiatives to better understand opportunities and challenges associated with the inclusion of environmental dimensions into reintegration programmes.
Today (07/07) the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is releasing Key Highlights from its Return and Reintegration programmes, including trends, figures as well as significant initiatives and efforts IOM has made to assist and reintegrate migrants...
The Knowledge Management Hub is releasing today a new factsheet on boosting returnees’ employment through support to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Iraq as part of the “Reintegration Assistance: Good, Promising and Innovative Practices” series.
With this Handbook, IOM aims to share its expertise, as well as that of its partners, to provide practical guidance on the design, implementation and monitoring of reintegration assistance to migrants unable or unwilling to remain in host or transit countries...
The Knowledge Management Hub is releasing today a new factsheet on community-based planning and small infrastructure works in Somalia as part of the “Reintegration Assistance: Good, Promising and Innovative Practices Series”. Community-based planning (CBP) is...
The Knowledge Management Hub is releasing today two new factsheets on pre-departure reintegration assistance as part of the “Reintegration Assistance: Good, Promising and Innovative Practices Series”. The focus of the newly released factsheets is on pre...