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Study on Reintegration Outcomes Through a Comparative Analysis: Presentation of Results. Two webinar sessions organized by the KMH

An IOM mentor talking to a returnee in Kaolack, Senegal © IOM 2019
An IOM mentor talking to a returnee in Kaolack, Senegal © IOM 2019

Two webinar sessions showcasing the results of the “Study on reintegration outcomes through a comparative analysis” were organized by the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub in partnership with Samuel Hall and the University of Sussex (UK) on 7 October 2020. Click here to access the recording of the English session.

The webinars presented the findings of a qualitative and quantitative study commissioned by IOM in the context of the ORION project funded by the UK Department for International Development, and conducted by Samuel Hall and the University of Sussex (UK). This study aimed to assess how different factors can impact the reintegration of returning migrants, and to identify the most effective reintegration support practices in Guinea, Morocco and Senegal, with a specific focus on the mentoring approach piloted under the ORION Project.

This study is based on the collection and analysis of standardized indicators on reintegration outcomes of returning migrants who received different types of reintegration support in different countries. It is further consolidated and contextualized by a strong literature review and qualitative fieldwork.

During the webinars, presentations to share findings and recommendations were made by:

  • Mr. Nicola Graviano, Head, Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) Unit, IOM HQ
  • Prof. Micheal Collyer, Professor of Geography, University of Sussex, UK
  • Dr. Nassim Majidi, Founder and Director and Ms. Camille Kasavan, Project Manager, Samuel Hall
  • Dr. Ceri Oeppen, Senior Lecturer in Human Geography, University of Sussex, UK
  • Ms. Joy Paone, ORION Project Manager, IOM HQ

The presentations were followed by interactive Q&A sessions. A French session of the webinar was also conducted on 8 October, click here to access the recording!

Visit the webinar section of the Platform to learn more about the upcoming webinars and navigate across the recorded ones.

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