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Sustainable Reintegration Knowledge Bites Series: KMH releases sixth Knowledge Bite

Beneficiary of the IOM-UNDP “Making Migration Work for Sustainable Development” project in Serbia © IOM / Beyond Borders Media 2022
Beneficiary of the IOM-UNDP “Making Migration Work for Sustainable Development” project in Serbia © IOM / Beyond Borders Media 2022

The sixth issue of the Sustainable Reintegration Knowledge Bites Series is now publicly available!

Knowledge Bite #6 on "Longitudinal Evidence on Sustainable Reintegration Outcomes", focuses on the analysis of the Returnee Longitudinal Survey (RLS), developed under IOM’s project “Displacement Tracking Matrix Regional Evidence for Migration Analysis and Policy" (DTM REMAP) funded by the European Union (EU). 

More specifically, this series aims to: 

  1. Explain cross-country, cross-regional and cross-programme patterns on sustainable reintegration outcomes
  2. Assess the effectiveness of reintegration assistance
  3. Determine which type(s) of reintegration support measures have proven to be the most impactful on each reintegration dimension – economic, social and psychosocial -
  4. Investigate external/structural factors affecting sustainable reintegration outcomes

Its development and production was supported by the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH), established in September 2017 under the EU-funded Pilot Action on Voluntary Return and Sustainable Community-Based Reintegration in Southern Africa. 

Do not hesitate to look at the previous Knowledge Bites and to further disseminate with your colleagues and counterparts.