Sustainable Reintegration Knowledge Bites Series: EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub releasing third Knowledge Bite

The EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub has just released the third issue of the Sustainable Reintegration Knowledge Bites Series. Click here to read it.
This third Knowledge Bite explores the reintegration outcomes and satisfaction levels of migrants assisted to return from South Africa to Mozambique and Malawi under the Pilot Action on Voluntary Return and Sustainable, Community-Based Reintegration funded by the European Union and implemented by IOM. It analyses different reintegration outcomes between the two countries of origin and factors influencing them, including demographic characteristics and types of reintegration assistance received.
The Sustainable Reintegration Knowledge Bites Series, launched in October 2020, aims to present findings pertaining to sustainable reintegration outcomes emerging from analyses based on the Reintegration Sustainability Survey data and other monitoring and evaluation (M&E) data centrally available on IOM’s institutional case management system. This series is designed to bring such findings to the attention of reintegration practitioners and policy-makers worldwide, as well as to inform and disseminate good practices, lessons learned and recommendations. The data presented in the series has been collected in the framework of the EU-IOM Joint Initiative and other EU-IOM Actions supporting migrant protection and sustainable reintegration.
The first Knowledge Bite gave a first indication of some of the factors that can contribute to or hamper sustainable reintegration outcomes. Notably, the results revealed that returnees benefiting from economic reintegration activities have on average higher sustainable reintegration scores compared to returnees not benefiting from them, and that a context-specific approach to sustainable reintegration is necessary for returnees’ sustainable reintegration in their country of origin.
Building on these findings, the second Knowledge Bite explores additional factors that contribute to higher levels of sustainable reintegration. Specifically, the analysis in this report focuses on investigating sustainable reintegration outcomes following referrals and understanding the effect of referrals on returnees’ satisfaction with the reintegration assistance received.
The development and production of this series is supported by the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH), which was established in September 2017 under the Pilot Action on Voluntary Return and Sustainable, Community-Based Reintegration in Southern Africa. The KMH aims at supporting the implementation of the EU-IOM Actions addressing migrant protection and sustainable reintegration in Africa and Asia by ensuring coherent voluntary return and reintegration approaches, harmonising M&E activities, setting up knowledge management tools, and producing knowledge products.
Please feel free to share further with colleagues and counterparts who might be interested to learn about the Sustainable Reintegration Knowledge Bites Series.
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