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The WHO calls for submissions of country examples on promoting the health of refugees and migrants

Second call for submissions of country examples on promoting the health of refugees and migrants
Second call for submissions of country examples on promoting the health of refugees and migrants

The World Health Organization (WHO) is seeking submissions from governments and partners on policies, programmes, or interventions adopted since 2019 to deliver care to refugees and migrants across the globe. The aim is to showcase how countries with varying health systems and challenges have taken positive steps towards more inclusive health systems in line with the WHO Global Action Plan (WHO GAP) on promoting the health of refugees and migrants 2019-2030. 

This second round of voluntary contributions will support the creation of a repository of promising practices in refugee and migrant health, building a body of knowledge to motivate policy-makers and practitioners to take further action to tackle the root causes of ill-health for refugees and migrants and advance the global commitments towards health equity.

The 2023 call for submission follows the release of Promoting the health of refugees and migrants: experiences around the world, a compendium of 49 case studies from 44 countries developed by the Health and Migration Programme following a voluntary submission to a similar call.

The collection of country case examples is aligned with the decision to extend the WHO Global Action Plan on promoting the health of refugees and migrants to 2030 by the Seventy-sixth World Health Assembly. In the decision, Member States were encouraged to share challenges, lessons learned, and best practices related to implementing actions within the six priority areas of the WHO GAP to showcase and inspire action by countries and partners across the globe.

Submissions criteria

Country case examples submitted should be described within 750 words and include information such as a description of the issue addressed and targeted population and context; the actors involved in the action; its result and impact; the challenges overcome; the key lessons and recommendations.

Submissions can be done from governmental agencies/ministries or equivalent, both from the health sector and other sectors (e.g., migration, interior, finance, education, etc.), local governments, WHO regional or country offices, other UN agencies, civil society, and academia.

All examples submitted must involve collaboration with governmental authorities and must be formulated or implemented after May 2019. A background document with a detailed list of criteria supporting the call for submission is attached.

Online questionnaire to send your submission


15 October 2023 at 23:59 CET


If you need more information or clarification, please do not hesitate to send an email to


The case examples meeting the requirements outlined in the background document will be accessible online and widely disseminated through WHO channels and networks. 
Please note that all WHO data privacy requirements will be applied in collecting and disseminating case examples.