Seminar on the return and reintegration of children and their families | 2-4 Mar | Register to the event

The EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH) is pleased to invite you to join a three-day virtual seminar on the return and reintegration of children and their families that will take place from Tuesday 2 March to Thursday 4 March 2021.
The event, organized by the KMH funded by the European Union, aims to draw particular attention to the unique experiences and needs of children returnees and to offer a space for discussion among return and reintegration experts, practitioners and policymakers.
It is structured around three main topics, all with a focus on the return and reintegration of children: 1) operationalization of protection frameworks, 2) practical tools, and 3) good practices and lessons learnt, allowing to tackle this subject from various angles.
The seminar will bring together representatives of the governments, EU institutions and international organisations, NGOs and the academia to exchange good practices, identify challenges and lessons learned as well as opportunities to strengthen efforts on the return and reintegration of children and their families.
Three daily sessions are foreseen as follows:
- 2 March from 13:30 to 15:20 CET (with representatives from UNICEF, Cameroon’s Ministry of Social Affairs, Save the Children, IOM, among others)
- 3 March from 11:30 to 13:00 CET (with representatives from UNICEF, Ethiopia’s government, Samuel Hall, Save the Children, IOM, among others)
- 4 March from 11:30 to 13:10 CET (with representatives from International Social Service, Migration Policy Institute Europe, IOM, among others)
The event will take place on the KUDO Platform with live interpretation in English and French. Direct links to join the three seminar’s sessions will be sent to the registered participants ahead of the event. For more information about this seminar including the latest agenda, please refer to the dedicated page on the Return and Reintegration Platform.
Please feel free to extend the invitation to your colleagues and counterparts who might be interested in joining this seminar!