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Introducing environmentally sustainable reintegration: a two-fold strategy

Introducing environmentally sustainable reintegration: a two-fold strategy
Ethiopia, Global, Senegal
East Africa and the Horn of Africa, West and Central Africa
International Organization for Migration (IOM)

The webinar, organized by the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub, introduced innovative practices of environmentally sustainable reintegration and their positive impact on both climate change adaptation as well as returnees’ reintegration in their countries of origin.

During this event, the newly published Environmental Annex of the IOM Reintegration Handbook “Guidance for mainstreaming environmental and climate considerations into reintegration programming“, funded by the UK Department for International Development, was presented.

In addition, findings from the project “Mainstreaming environmental dimensions into reintegration support to reduce the effects of climate change on migration in West Africa”, implemented by IOM and funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, was also presented.