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The study describes the current state of unaccompanied minors in Austria with regard to legislation and practices. It also presents available statistics on this topic. A number of relevant areas are covered: entry, residence, asylum procedure, age assessment...
The study analyses the question, of how irregular migrants who are not in contact with the authorities can be reached to provide them with information on voluntary return. After a presentation of the relevant provisions of Austrian law, the study focuses on...
This study explores how the legal situation and the practices of authorities in Austria are influenced by EU rules and standards. Attention is given to the challenges in carrying out return measures effectively, as well as to good practices to ensure the...
This exploratory study focuses on migrant families residing in so called family locations (Gezinslocaties) in the Netherlands. This study provides insight into the decision-making process of migrant families in these family locations, whose legal remedies in...
This inter-agency, desk-based research aims to arrive at a clearer understanding of reintegration practices for separated children in low and lower-middle income countries.
Este estudio interagencial OIM, UNICEF, UNHCR y OIT-IPEC tiene como objetivo hacer un análisis sobre la situación de la niñez y adolescencia migrante, con énfasis en la que migra no acompañada y aquella en situación de trabajo infantil.
This publication targets policymakers and practitioners in the field of migration and child protection, along with academics and activists, and sheds light on the situation of migrant children. The publication is the result of a collective effort by a number...
This 12 month research report explores the key determining factors for migrants in taking the decision to stay in Ireland or to return to their country of origin. These include the Irish migration control system; security; political instability; economic...
Return migration and health has received little attention in policy and research. This article will focus on the risk factors and social determinants of health during all phases of migration that can impact the health of returnees. It will highlight the...
In view of an information gap on the incidence and prevalence of human trafficking in Musina, a city in the Limpopo Province of South Africa, this rapid assessment gives evidence to various forms of trafficking, and different forms of exploitation. While many...
The study gives an overview of the EU Member States' experience in organising and practically implementing assisted voluntary return programmes. The study aims at summarising the experience of the EU Member States referring to the principles of historical and...
This study was conducted between November 2007 and January 2008, with the aim to assess the mental health and psychosocial needs of Iraqis displaced in Jordan and Lebanon, to investigate the provision of services available to them, and plan interventions...
This study focuses on women and adolescent girls who have been trafficked within, to and from East and Southern Africa (ESA). It is the first study in ESA to focus specifically on the links between trafficking of women and sexual, reproductive and mental...
In this overview paper, basic questions related to voluntary internal migration are revisited with a view to adding some of the substantial new field evidence that has emerged in recent years and setting out the policy implications of these findings. The paper...
This study makes a synopotic analysis of the inadequate recognition of migrants' human rights in international and national law and discusses some of the main practical obstacles that make it even more difficult for them to enjoy their human rights. It then...
This study looks at the return and reintegration of returning migrants from western Europe to their countries of origin in the South Caucases. Its main aim was to study the process of return and reintegration of migrants in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, and...