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Going back with a future? The case of rejected asylum seekers returning from Norway to Russia

Going back with a future? The case of rejected asylum seekers returning from Norway to Russia
Norway, Russian Federation (the)
European Economic Area, South Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia
University of Stavanger
K. Volosovtsova

The current thesis seeks to analyse if rejected asylum seekers, who return from Norway to Russia, do have possibilities for successful reintegration in their home region and if their return is sustainable. Research also aims to reveal main obstacles for successful reintegration as well as internal and external factors, which facilitate or complicate the process of effective reintegration. One of the sub-themes of the thesis is returnees’ opinion on preferred ways of additional support that should be provided before or after their departure from the host country. Current research is based on six interviews with families, who participated in the Voluntary Assisted Return Programme of IOM Oslo. Their socio-economic, housing, education, health, emotional and physical well-being was put under scrutiny in order to answer the research question. Findings of the research provide insights in new trends of international migration, reveal main features of the return migration from Norway to Russia and give suggestions for further improvement. Moreover, by means of continuous interaction with rejected asylum seekers of Russian origin, current research gives them a voice. Presentation of the unique experience of returnees after arrival was aimed to create an impulse for the further research, conducted in cooperation of academia, IOM and government representatives.