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Tackling the Socio-Economic Consequences of COVID-19 on Migrants and their Communities: Why Integration Matters

2022, United Nations Network on Migration, Tackling the Socio-Economic Consequences of COVID-19 on Migrants and their Communities Why Integration Matters
United Nations Network on Migration

The exponential increase of COVID-19 infections and the related policy responses to contain the spread of the virus around the globe have had significant impacts on international migrants, their households, as well as communities of origin, transit and destination. The closing of borders has made it increasingly challenging or even impossible for people to migrate regularly, leaving thousands stranded in origin, transit and destination countries, between borders or at sea with limited capacity to continue the journey or return home.

Border and mobility restrictions left thousands of migrants stranded in countries of transit or destination, at sea and in border areas. In addition, return migration during and resulting from the pandemic reshaped previous mobility patterns while posing several challenges for returning migrants, their communities and for governments with limited capacity to provide the necessary.

In this regard, governments could consider good practices before and during the COVID-19 crisis to build upon and scale up. With these efforts to integrate migrants, the GCM and the 2030 Agenda serve as a powerful framework for governments to ensure that, as the world recovers from the pandemic, human mobility remains safe and inclusive, and respects international law.