Returnees at Risk: Profiling Lebanese Returnees from the Syrian Arab Republic Four Years into the Crisis

Given the unique profile of Lebanese returnees, it is critical to obtain an overview on their numbers and living conditions. Accordingly, from 20 April to 31 May 2015, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Lebanese High Relief Commission (HRC) conducted the second Lebanese Returnee Registration drive, which aimed to register all Lebanese citizens who had been living in the Syrian Arab Republic before the conflict began, and who have since returned to Lebanon.
In coordination with municipalities across the country, IOM and HRC registered 28,574 Lebanese returnees comprising 5,245 households. This included 2,280 of 3,206 total households that were registered in 2013, the records of which were updated with relevant changes and new information. In addition to registration, returnee households were asked about their demographics, location, living conditions, economic situation and priority needs. The results of the survey were compared with similar data from the 2013 registration drive, as well as the 2014 Livelihoods Assessment. The information gathered from the 2015 registration drive will directly inform of the interventions of IOM, HRC and other organizations that target Lebanese returnees, and improve the provision of assistance to the most vulnerable households. The report sheds light on the living conditions of Lebanese returnees and provides stakeholders with recommendations.