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Comprehensive Mapping and Assessment of Reintegration Measures in South Asian Colombo Process Member States

Comprehensive Mapping and Assessment of Reintegration Measures in South Asian Colombo Process Member States cover
Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
Asia and the Pacific
International Labour Organization (ILO), International Organization for Migration (IOM)
B. Weeraratne, H. Weerasekera, T. Bandara

This report has been commissioned by IOM, together with the International Labour Organization and UN-Women, and seeks to map out and assess the nature and gaps of the reintegration support provided to returnee migrant workers from five South Asian Colombo Process member States: Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

Labour migration has long been a major phenomenon among South Asian States, contributing toward improved economic outcomes and climate adaptation both at the individual and national levels. More recently, return and reintegration of migrants to their country of origin has been recognized as a critical stage of the migration cycle. Adequate support for migrants beyond the in-service period is increasingly seen as essential in upholding the rights and well-being of migrants, allowing for a sustainable return and dignified future choices. 

The findings of the report provide valuable insights into the existing support measures at structural, community and individual levels in terms of the labour market and economic, social and psychosocial dimensions of reintegration within each country considered. The report notes both existing good practices and outlines gaps in the return and reintegration processes for further investment, that can be considered by policymakers and other stakeholders involved in the migration process of South Asia.