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Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Annual Report of Activities 2011

Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Annual Report of Activities 2011
International Organization for Migration (IOM)

The Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration 2011 Annual Report outlines IOM’s work carried out during 2011 in the areas of ‘Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration’ (AVRR) and `Post-Arrival and Reintegration Assistance` (PARA) exclusively implemented in countries of origin to assist both migrants returning voluntarily with IOM and migrants returned by host country governments.

The report includes a brief summary of the main highlights related to IOM’s work on AVRR globally in 2011, a description of the concept of assisted voluntary return and reintegration, as well as a regional analysis of AVRR/PARA best practices and trends in 2011. The report devotes a specific chapter to outline the work implemented by IOM Missions around the globe with vulnerable migrants - including unaccompanied migrant children and migrants with health-related needs. In addition, the report analyses the role of IOM’s partners throughout the implementation of AVRR activities and gives an overview of activities focusing on the strengthening of international dialogue and share best practices. Finally, the report gives an overview of publications on AVRR/PARA activities issued by IOM as well as external parties, and provides detailed statistical information as to the number of migrants assisted through AVRR since 2000.