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Assessment of livelihood opportunities for returnees/internally displaced persons and host communities in Afghanistan

2013, ILO, Assessment of livelihood opportunities for returnees internally displaced persons and host communities in Afghanistan
Middle East and North Africa
International Labour Organization (ILO)

As part of the Solutions Strategy for Afghan Refugees (SSAR), UNHCR is taking part in the development of a joint Voluntary Return and Reintegration Programme for Afghan returnees led by the Afghan Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation (MoRR), assisted by several United Nations agencies. Livelihood is an important element of the holistic reintegration strategy conceived in the SSAR. In response to a request from UNHCR, the ILO undertook the assessment of livelihood opportunities of 22 reintegration sites throughout the country.

This study undertaken by ILO Kabul for UNHCR Afghanistan, provides an overview of the economic activities of returnees and host communities on 22 high-return sights across all regions of Afghanistan. The report and its extensive annexes provide new and useful information that will inform and guide the design of pragmatic and effective interventions to enhance the livelihoods of the target populations and beyond.