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Reintegration Handbook: Annex 11 – Guidance for mainstreaming environmental and climate considerations into reintegration programming

International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Annexes of the IOM Reintegration Handbook provide additional useful tools and further guidance on specific reintegration interventions.

There is an increasing awareness of the role environmental factors play – in conjunction with others – in driving migration, and of the ways in which climate change impacts exacerbate these factors. It is also understood that people who return, for whatever reason, to environmentally degraded or hazard-expose areas are likely to find it very difficult to re-establish secure livelihoods that are often largely dependent on natural resources. These challenges impact the sustainability of reintegration for returnees. In view of this, IOM has started to reflect on how to connect its reintegration programmes with climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction and environmental sustainability efforts.