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The event,  held on Thursday, 8 December 2022 at 1pm CET, gave participants the opportunity to explore the work of the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH) and its contribution to policy and programming on migrant protection, return and reintegration globally, including through the findings from the final, external evaluation. It furthermore provided recommendations and feedback for future work by the migrant protection, as well as the return and reintegration community at large. 

Given this, the aim of this event was twofold:

  •     Take stock of the KMH’s contribution to return and reintegration programming and policy making.
  •     Identify lessons and recommendations for future programming on migrant protection, return and reintegration.

Presentations were delivered by IOM together with partners and stakeholders that have been pivotal to the success of the KMH. 


In full alignment with the online activities conducted by the KMH over the last years, this event was public and delivered online via Zoom.

To allow broader participation of stakeholders from different regions, simultaneous translation was available in English and French. The event was recorded and further disseminated through the Platform.

Agenda, Presentation and Recordings 

Agenda - Thursday 8 December 2022


Recordings in:


The EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH) was established in September 2017 under the Pilot Action on Voluntary Return and Sustainable, Community-Based Reintegration, funded by the European Union. Initially focused on supporting the implementation of the EU-IOM Actions in favour of migrant protection and reintegration, its role has gradually expanded to encompass support on return and reintegration overall, aiming at strengthening learning across return and reintegration programmes, and harmonization of approaches, processes and tools on these topics.
To this extent, the KMH has targeted policy makers, governmental and non-governmental stakeholders and practitioners working in the field of migrant protection, return and sustainable reintegration at local, regional, national, and international levels. 

Since its establishment the KMH has achieved tangible results at many levels and these have, in many instances, translated into meaningful outcomes, such as: 

  • Setting standards and processes on return and reintegration - The KMH has concretely supported a more articulated understanding of reintegration and contributed to the establishment of more solid capacities among return and reintegration stakeholders globally.
  • Progressive strengthening and harmonization of M&E competencies - The M&E tools received a growing recognition and have been increasingly used as a basis for the development of other tools and indicators by various stakeholders globally. 
  • Return and Reintegration Platform - Core visibility asset of the KMH, it has progressively positioned itself as a global point of reference on return and reintegration. 
  • Strong synergies established with other knowledge management tools, such as the UN SDG Acceleration Toolkit, UNDP’s SparkBlue and the UN Migration Network’s Hub, research centers and academia and non-governmental organizations.
  • Findings from KMH knowledge products increasingly referenced by other actors, highlighting the importance of M&E and research efforts for the AVRR programmes and the work undertaken by the KMH, among others.


Overall, the work of the KMH has shown a clear added value of having a dedicated initiative that operates beyond individual return and reintegration projects and seeks to break down siloes, contributing to continued learning, and fostering knowledge sharing. Thanks to its results, the KMH has built the basis for the creation of an interconnected cycle of refinement, adaptation and improvement of return and reintegration initiatives.