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My JMDI e-Toolbox on Migration and Local Development


My JMDI e-Toolbox on Migration and Local Development is a flexible and comprehensive e-course for stakeholders working on migration and development at the local level (local and national authorities, civil society, migrants’ associations, academia, international organizations, etc.) on how to better mainstream migration into local policy planning for enhanced local development and protection of migrants.

The contents of the course are based on the My JMDI Toolbox set of training materials designed under the UN Joint Migration and Development Initiative (JMDI). For more information on the JMDI, click here.

Given the global context of increasing human mobility, urbanization and decentralization, it is cities, local and regional authorities that are finding themselves at the forefront of managing both the positive and negative impacts of migration. Yet often they find themselves lacking know-how and tools that they need to manage this in a way that can foster local development. The course is therefore a direct response to the specific needs and knowledge gaps identified from local stakeholders.

The e-course covers a wide range of practical issues connected with Local Development through 6 modules. The introductory module (Core Module) is compulsory with the remaining 5 optional modules depending on the various interests of the trainees.

My JMDI e-Toolbox modules overview

  • Core Module: Introductory module on migration and local development
  • Module 1: Managing the link between migration and local development
  • Module 2: Establishing partnerships, cooperation and dialogue on M&D at local level
  • Module 3: Empowering migrants at the territorial level
  • Module 4: Creating jobs and economic opportunities through migration at local level
  • Module 5: Increasing the impact on development through integration and reintegration policies

Click here to start course