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IOM Reintegration Handbook Online Course

IOM Reintegration Handbook Online Course

This online course on the Reintegration Handbook is divided into 5 modules. It targets all reintegration practitioners, from project developers, reintegration staff, M&E officers and case workers, to governmental officials and civil society stakeholders.

This course aims at providing a foundational learning experience of reintegration assistance to returning migrants. Module 1 provides an overview of IOM’s Integrated Approach to Reintegration, and is mandatory; After passing Module 1, participants can decide to take all the modules in the order they prefer or only the ones most relevant to them. Each module is independent and mentions its intended audience.

This online training was produced with financial support from the UK Department for International Development (DFID) as part of the project: Operationalizing an Integrated Approach to Reintegration (ORION), under the Safety, Support and Solutions in the Central Mediterranean Route programme.

Module 1: Introduction to the Integrated Approach to Reintegration
Module 1: Describes the basic concepts of return and reintegration and explains IOM's integrated approach to reintegration, on which this handbook is based. It also lays out the key objectives and principles guiding reintegration programming and general considerations when developing an integrated reintegration assistance programme, including assessments, staffing and budgeting.

Module 2 - Reintegration assistance at the individual level
Module 2: Reintegration assistance at the individual level goes through the suggested steps to be carried out to assist returnees and their families in their reintegration, taking into account the economic, social and psychosocial dimensions of reintegration. It is also recommended for project developers, project managers and policy makers.

Module 3 - Reintegration assistance at the community level
Module 3: Reintegration assistance at the community level provides guidance on assessing community needs, engaging the community in reintegration activities and provides examples of community-level reintegration initiatives in the economic, social and psychosocial dimensions. It is also recommended for project developers, project managers and policy makers.

Module 4 - Reintegration assistance at the structural level
Module 4: Reintegration assistance at the structural level proposes ways to strengthen capacities of all actors and to ensure stakeholder engagement and ownership in reintegration programming. It also suggests approaches to mainstream reintegration into existing policies and strategies.

Module 5 - Monitoring & Evaluation of reintegration assistance
Module 5: Monitoring and Evaluation of Reintegration Assistance provides guidance and tools to design programmes, monitor interventions and carry out evaluations to maximize effectiveness and learning.

The Reintegration Handbook online course is available in English, FrenchSpanish  and Arabic (simply register on IOM’s e-campus site to enroll).

Find the summary booklets of the Reintegration Handbook in English, French and Spanish